Wednesday, May 04, 2005

One day to go!

So I’ve been looking a bit at my blog so far, and up till now I’ve managed to aviod the issue of the election – but it is just a day away now!

I saw an article on the different approaches to voting that men and women have, I found it pretty interesting. Apparently men are more likely to use their vote to count for the big picture – like countrywide/worldwide issues. Women however seem to use their vote to try and influence what directly affects them and their families, so local issues and childcare etc are higher up on their lists. I found this fascinating, I am sure that there are many exceptions to this theory, but I do see how a male and female perspective fit neatly into that model.

After sharing that with you, I’ll leave you with this…. If the guys vote for the big picture then maybe they could get on with the running of the country (as they already have the monopoly there) and perhaps we should see women running the local government!

(Notice, no political allegiance has been divulged!)


At 12:35 PM , rjjm said...

Where was the article? have you got an URL?


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