Thursday, May 19, 2005

Two free Star Wars tickets

I entered a competition, and won 2 free tickets to see the new movie tonight in Milton Keynes – thing is we’re really too busy to go. Does anyone want them (you’ll need to collect from our place this afternoon/early evening) in Oxford, UK!


At 3:40 PM , Mike McKay said...

Yes! Yes! Me please. Oh wait, Oxford you say. Sigh. There isn't a movie theatre within 500 miles of me here, let alone one showing Star Wars...

At 5:24 PM , Nikki Mayfield said...

500 miles away! That's just not civilised!

At 5:31 PM , Tofirius the Meek said...

Let's see... Riga to Oxford via Stansted... Could be about 80 quid roundtrip for the ticket plus about 20 quid for the coach... tick tick tick...

Nah. I think you should definitely do your best to convince your poor hubby to possibly see it in his heart to accompany you to such a terribly uninteresting event for him.

At 12:54 PM , rjjm said...

I wasn't uninterested! But it would take me more than EpIII to get me to MK on a busy week night. Maybe I'm getting old.


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